CSR is.....


Civilian Service Rifle has its' origin in the annual military meeting held at Bisley under the auspices of the ARA (Army Rifle Association).

The courses of fire are based on competitions shot at that meeting with modifications made to cover the restrictions placed on rifles available for civilian use. As such, most of the stages in a competition still use the historic names (e.g. 'Bisley Bullet'). All but one of the current competitions are shot on an individual basis, the exception is the Civilian Methuen Cup which is a team event consisting of teams of six competitors and an optional non-shooting captain.

Individual stages in a competition vary in distance from one hundred to five hundred yards utilising the standing, knelling, squatting, sitting and prone positions. They are also split into four classes, historic, open sights, service optic and practical optic.

Currently the majority of the CSR competitions are held at Bisley where entries are co-ordinated by the NRA but the courses of fire are prepared by a dedicated group of long term enthusiasts for this style of shooting.

An annual championship takes place, run by the NRA, at the beginning of the Imperial meeting each year.

full details of the matches are available in the NRA's Bisley Bible available from the NRA website.

The best way to find out more is to come along to one of our matches... Go on, you will enjoy it!


The rules.